Boost Your Emotional Immunity

I’m being pestered today to sit and write. I am angry and not grounded, yet I can still respond to a directive from a higher power - whether it be guides, ancestors or Angels, I don’t know. Does it matter? And that is the overriding emotion of the day - hopelessness. It ‘feels’ like in the midst of this pandemic that everything I attempt to do is ‘irrelevant’. I’m not one to be in denial of the size of this shift we are going through - it is huge - way bigger than any of us can realize or have the capacity to understand, and as a result I am going to feel it. And isn’t attending to feelings equally as important as physical healthcare? Some would argue more important - because they are inextricably linked. So here I am attempting to unravel my own feelings - to be the change in the world we all want to see. But not from the pedestal of a spiritual teacher or therapist, just as a fellow human.


Now that many of us have had to close our business or leave our jobs, feeling purposeless and powerless is likely. NOW what are we supposed to do? Our daily rhythm has changed, and while many are taking advantage of this time to get caught up or learn new things, I personally feel like I need to do something that will give me a sense of relevance – hence this writing.


I definitely experienced week one of social distancing as a shock. I had to cancel my wedding and honeymoon, close the doors to my business, and suspend my job as a teacher. Um...there were some feelings that needed to get dealt with. I’m not super-human - none of us are - we are meant to feel! Lucky for me I have spent the last twenty years learning how to ride the wave of my emotions, project them as little as possible on others, and re-center myself faster and stronger. I have to admit though - canceling my wedding was brutal.


This week I’m angry. Hmmmm, sounds like the five stages of grief playing out. The loss of a way of life for all of us has to be recognized and attended to. Maybe everything will come back to ‘normal’ in a week or two? Can’t hurt to have hope, but my gut is saying this is going to take some time. So what do we do? From a place of powerlessness and isolation - what do we do? We go inside. Our external reality has come to a screeching halt; the doing-ness is done (for many). Emotions are going to rise that have long been calling for our attention. For those of us who have been practicing, this is going to come easier, but for millions of others it is unknown territory.


I recently saw a blog post titled You Can’t Meditate Your Way Through a Pandemic. I beg to differ and here’s why. If you are meditating to leave your body and escape, then it’s true your meditation is not serving you as it could. But if your meditation is focused on being present with your body, emotions and mind, then you are tapping into the secret of going inside and attending to yourself like no one else can. It’s called self-awareness.


So I ask myself what am I angry about? Then I hear a bunch of thoughts that want attention. I have to listen to each thought and ask myself - “is it true”? Byron Katie is one of the most profound teachers of

this kind of inquiry. She created what’s called "The Work’ and you can find her information here:


My point is DO NOT deny your emotional response to what is going on. Find someone to talk to, or use the many tools available to you - I have made a list below.                                                          


In addition, here are ten ways to boost your emotional immunity

1. When someone close is freaking out or having an emotionally trying day, remember it is not personal - their emotions are their response-ability, go toward them - do not run away afraid. Ask them if you can help or if they need space.                   

2. Overwhelm is just a side effect of the mind not being PRESENT with what IS. Slow down and get present by noticing the moment.

3. Use meditation as a way to be emotionally available to yourself.

4. Ask every thought that causes anxiety or pain - ‘Is it true?’                                                                

5. If your breathing is shallow and fast, do the opposite, breathe deeply and slow it down (holding your breath for a count of seven can be helpful). 

6. Honor your emotions by not fighting against them. Be nice to yourself. Go with the flow.

7. Ask for help - we all need guidance from time to time.

8. Tap into a higher power through prayer (in whatever form is best for you).

9. Laughter is excellent medicine!

10. Lastly - and this one is especially true for me - be patient. We are all uncomfortable right now. All we can do is wait, offer our best selves to the world, and see where this will lead.

Tools for the Emotional Body:

wendy walter